Sylicious' Braindumps

….On the road with a brain tumor

Archive for the '3rd phase – English' Category

60 Taking a Happy Break!

No hospital tomorrow! Great timing for a short break. Today was long and exhausting. Radiation. Blood test. (Another drop, but not big enough for another transfusion). So my body needs this happy break too. And then the car didn’t start…not so great timing. But we’re home and tomorrow we can stay home. Happy break indeed.

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59 Best of Both

I’ve mentioned and shown this sign before. We pass it on our way to hospital and the text at the bottom resonated immediately without really knowing why. Translated it says something like ‘the best of the existing and the new’. That’s how the blood transfusion – I had yesterday – felt. But it’s also how […]

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58 Extra platelets

My blood needed some extra help, so after some painful attemps to get the whole thing working, they ended up in my foot. Now waiting for new blood tests and after that we can finally go home. Very tired.

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57 Fields of Gold

Waking up with Sting singing in my head is a good statt…it took me some time to figure out the song, but it’s called Fields of Gold. Nice place to stay during my 22th radiation today. Including this one, nine more to go. Nine! Getting close, reallly close! After that I’ll have four weeks […]

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56 THIS happy? Noooo!

Goooooodmorning! Today I feel the need to share my love for Facebook. Sure, there are plenty of disadvantages to list, but again it’s your personal choice where you focus on. And it will not come as a huge shock to anyone here that I focus on what works for me. What I really love is […]

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55 No transfusion needed

No transfusion needed! Taking a break from chemo is showing it’s effect. No huge improvements, but small steps. And that’s hopeful.So this is another good day.

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54 Freedom

Radiation is at noon, so this day starts just how I Like it…lazy and relaxed. Mild headache, but feeling good. Yesterday the song ‘Freedom’ by George Michael was in my head a lot and I planned on sharing, but the lyrics didn’t really resonate. And then this quote popped up, making my cells vibrate. Because […]

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53 Most awesome place ever

Today didn’t started very good. Major headache. Earlier this week the doctor advised another lowering of doses of one of the meds that handles the brain fluids (one of the radiation side effects) but obviously it was a bit too much lowering too fast. The doctor we spoke today even mentioned she never takes big […]

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52 I found my seatbelt again

This quote really pulled me through today: Blood test showed my body is not handling the chemo anymore. At least not in combination with the radiation. The news catapulted me into fear. Not getting the chance to slow this tumour down. Thoughts like that. Including the Emotions that are linked to that. Anger. Feeling abandoned. […]

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51 Tears Time

Due to gastric juice and trouble breathing I didn’t have the best night ever. Not great timing, with a long day ahead. Radiation, weekly appointment with doctor and another blood test. Fingers crossed my body is still enduring the radiation and chemo, so we can reach the finish. So close now. This round of treatments […]

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